
The Spatially Characterized Agroforestry (SCAF) Database is a central repository of Agroforestry data collected from smallholders across Vietnam.

The collected data includes information about:

  • Agroforestry sites
  • Agroforestry components (tree and crop descriptions etc)
  • Biophysical conditions
  • Social-economic conditions
  • Market information
  • Related policies
  • Issues, challenges and risks

This tool has been developed to assist navigation and query of the collected dataset. To start navigating the data, select the Search item in the header menu or click on any features displayed on the map.

To read more about the SCAF tool, select the About item in the header menu.

You can also read more about Agroforestry and its importance.


A collaboration between various institutions across Vietnam, the Spatially Characterised Agroforestry database highlights agroforestry data captured from smallholders around the country.

The browser window has been split into two panels. The panel on the left (this panel) displays information about agroforestry features. The panel on the right displays a map of Vietnam, containing features that represent ecoregions, provinces and agroforestry sites.

  • Ecoregions refer to regional areas that share similar landscape characteristics.
  • Provinces displayed on the map are colored based on the ecoregion they are located in.
  • Sites represent dominant agroforestry practices that are performed in each province.
  • If a province is greyed out, it means that no information is available regarding key agroforestry practices that occur in that area.
  • The map will be updated to reflect selections made on the left panel and vice versa.

Read more about the SCAF database on ICRAF's main site.



ICRAF Team (concept and data collection):

ICRAF Team (design and development):

The SCAF database has been developed by the World Agroforestry Centre Vietnam, in collaboration with the following partners:

This tool has been developed with financial support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation through ICRAF's support to the ASEAN-Swiss Partnership on Social Forestry and Climate Change Phase II (ASFCC-II).


This database is a work in progress. The information contained has been collected through analysis of previous work conducted by the World Agroforestry Centre. New information will be entered into this database after careful analysis and review.

The data presented in this database has been provided for information only. It should not be used as a substitute for scientific data collection techniques. In some cases there may be discrepancies between the World Agroforestry Centre's published products and the information presented in this database due to the process of ongoing revision.

Province vector data has been generalised to improve performance and ensure a responsive user experience. Regional areas are displayed in order to provide a visual reference only and should not be relied upon for border location accuracy.

{{(!showAdminLogin)?'SHOW':'HIDE'}} ADMIN LOGIN
Hey {{user.name}}

What is Agroforestry?

Agroforestry refers to the practice of integrating trees into agriculturally productive landscapes.

Agroforestry is typically performed on farms and in landscapes in order to ensure that products and services provided by trees continue to benefit rural and urban communities.

At the center of this process is the agroforestry tree or shrub that provides products and services such as fruit, fodder, firewood, timber, medicine, soil fertility, shade, erosion control and carbon sequestration.

Why is Agroforestry important?

Typical agriculture and development practices involve clearing natural vegetation. In order to ensure the benefits that trees provide are sustained, it is crucial to consider methods of production that integrate agroforestry.

Some of the livelihood and environmental benefits that trees and agroforestry provide include:

  • Enriching the asset base of poor households with farm-grown trees.
  • Enhancing soil fertility and livestock productivity on farms.
  • Linking poor households to markets for high-value fruits, oils, cash crops and medicines.
  • Balancing improved productivity with the sustainable management of natural resources.
  • Maintaining or enhancing the supply of environmental services in agricultural landscapes for water, soil health, carbon sequestration and biodiversity.

In order to gain a better understanding of agroforestry and the World Agroforestry Centre's role to improve agroforestry practices, please see the World Agroforestry Centre's website.

To start navigating the SCAF agroforestry data, select the Search item in the header menu or click on any features displayed on the map.

If you've found the SCAF tool useful and you'd love to share your experience with others, use the buttons below.

The following tours will provide you with an overview of the SCAF tool, guiding you through basic Map Navigation and Search features.


Select the type of data to edit.

Error: {{currentView.error}}
Error: {{currentView.editData.error}}
Province features layer file

Select a data item to edit/remove or add a new item.

New password
New password again
Upload new file
Override existing file with the same name
Upload new file
Override existing file with the same name
Upload new file
Override existing file with the same name

This tool allows comparison of data fields for agroforestry sites across the country. Begin by selecting one of the following common or advanced comparison options.

Common comparison

Common comparisons pre-select information category/field options based on popular comparisons.

Advanced comparison

Advanced comparisons require manual selection of specific information category/field options.

Select the agroforestry items you would like to compare.

Select the egoregion(s) you would like to compare.

Select the province(s) within each ecoregion you would like to compare.


Select the province items you would like to compare.

Select the site locations for each agroforestry item you would like to compare.


Select the agroforestry components within each province location you would like to compare.


Select the information categories you would like to compare.

Select the information category fields you would like to compare.

Check all
Uncheck all

For the following selected information categories, data collected across various dates is available. Select the dates you would like to compare.

Check all
Uncheck all
There is no available {{categoryItem.name}} data for the selected sites.
Group results by:

Your search returned {{aResults.length}} Agroforestry item{{aResults.length==1?'':'s'}} and {{pResults.length}} Province{{pResults.length==1?'':'s'}}.

Search result breakdown:
  • Agroforestry matching query string: {{(currentView.options | filter:{type:'agroforestry'}).length}}
  • Provinces matching query string: {{(currentView.options | filter:{type:'province'}).length}}
  • Provinces containing a returned agroforestry: {{pResults.length - (currentView.options | filter:{type:'province'}).length}}
  • Agroforestry contained in a returned province: {{aResults.length - (currentView.options | filter:{type:'agroforestry'}).length}}

The Agroforestry and Provinces returned by your search are listed below. Select one to find out more about it.

Error: {{currentView.error}}
No data found

Your search returned {{aResults.length}} Agroforestry item{{aResults.length==1?'':'s'}} and {{pResults.length}} Province{{pResults.length==1?'':'s'}}.

Search result breakdown:
  • Agroforestry matching query string: {{(currentView.options | filter:{type:'agroforestry'}).length}}
  • Provinces containing a returned agroforestry: {{pResults.length - (currentView.options | filter:{type:'province'}).length}}

The Agroforestry and Provinces returned by your search are listed below. Select one to find out more about it.

Error: {{currentView.error}}
No data found
Vietnam contains agroforestry in {{currentView.options.length}} ecoregion{{currentView.options.length==1?'':'s'}}. To view ecoregion provinces containing agroforestry sites, select the ecoregion below.
Error: {{currentView.error}}
No data found
The {{currentView.title}} contains agroforestry in {{currentView.options.length}} province{{currentView.options.length==1?'':'s'}}. To view agroforestry sites in a province, select the province below.
Error: {{currentView.error}}
No data found
{{currentView.title}} contains {{currentView.options.length}} agroforestry site{{currentView.options.length==1?'':'s'}}. To view information captured from a site, select the agroforestry below.
Error: {{currentView.error}}
No data found
{{currentView.title}} agroforestry sites can be found in {{currentView.options.length}} province{{currentView.options.length==1?'':'s'}} across Vietnam. To view information captured from a site, select the containing province below.
Error: {{currentView.error}}
No data found
To view detailed information about {{currentView.site.agroforestry.name}} agroforestry in {{currentView.site.province.name}}, select an information category below.
Error: {{currentView.error}}
No data found
Select a Date
Add data for year...
Create data
{{dataSourceIndicator.Value}} {{dataSourceIndicator.Title}}
{{dataSourceIndicator.Value}} {{dataSourceIndicator.Title}}
Distribution across each district in {{currentView.site.province.name}} for the year {{currentView.distributionMaps[0].Year}}
Distribution across each district in {{currentView.site.province.name}}, for the years {{currentView.distributionMaps[0].Year}} and {{currentView.distributionMaps[1].Year}}
Area covered by agroforestry, as a percentage of the total agricultural area in each district
{{((distributionLegendColor.areaMin!==null)&&(distributionLegendColor.areaMax===null))?'>':''}}{{(distributionLegendColor.areaMin!==null)?distributionLegendColor.areaMin+'%':''}}{{((distributionLegendColor.areaMin!==null)&&(distributionLegendColor.areaMax!==null))?' - ':''}}{{(distributionLegendColor.areaMax!==null)?distributionLegendColor.areaMax+'%':''}}
Select the button below to compare this distribution with another year
Select a year to load an additional distribution map to compare the two
Select the button below to remove the additional distribution map
Base Layer